64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

IPS 240 - Central bank statistics re-branding and purpose-driven communication

Category: IPS
Monday 17 July 2 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. (Canada/Eastern) (Expired) Room 104

View proposal detail

During the last years, central banks have been recognizing the importance of making their statistics more understandable by the public at large. Although some efforts have been done to reach new users and to increase trust in official statistics, central banks need to rethink their strategic positioning in this context. They should shift the purpose of statistical communication from a tool to support statistical dissemination to one that adds meaningful contributions to society.

This session will provide an opportunity to share experiences from central banks that have created new fresh ways of communicating statistics (content, channels, partnerships or engagement strategies) and how these new initiatives created value to society as a whole or to specific target groups.

Organiser: Mr Bruno Tissot 

Chair: Mr Luís Teles Dias 

Speaker: Vita Rosiana Dewi 

Speaker: Dominque Durant

Speaker: Lígia Maria Nunes 

Speaker: Ms Eilyn Yee Lin Chong 

Good to know

This conference is currently not open for registrations or submissions.