64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

IPS 483 - Recent Statistical Developments on High-Dimensional Causal Inference

Category: IPS
Monday 17 July 10 a.m. - noon (Canada/Eastern) (Expired) Room 208

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Recent scientific advancements in technologies give rise to voluminous data in various fields, including biology, finance, business, health care systems, and government resource managements, to name a few. The call of the hour goes toward the (bio)statisticians/data-scientists to develop novel methods/computer algorithms to analyze and extract sensible meanings out of these high-/ultrahigh-dimensional data that pose challenges such as computational burden, statistical inaccuracy, and algorithmic instability. Specifically, a major daunting task is to discover authentic causal connections, if any, of these collected data to the outcome(s) of interest. Good news is that contemporary statistical/computational developments have started to successfully fathom answers to such challenges in data related to high-dimensional causal inference using tools such as machine learning and deep learning. Consequently, the basic scientists have started to perceive a holistic understanding of the intricate one-to-one relationships and mechanisms of the study phenomenon of interests. 


Organiser: Dr Debmalya Nandy

Chair: Dr. Ismaïla Baldé 

Speaker: Jelena Bradic

Speaker: Ismaïla Baldé

Speaker: Dr Shuoyang Wang

Speaker: Iván Díaz

Good to know

This conference is currently not open for registrations or submissions.