64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

International migration: Morocco a country of transit that has become a country of settlement


64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

Format: CPS Poster

Keywords: migration

Session: CPS Posters-06

Tuesday 18 July 4 p.m. - 5:20 a.m. (Canada/Eastern)


Morocco has always been at the heart of the international migration issue due to its particular geographical location and its proximity to Europe via the Strait of Gibraltar. Its image was marked as a land of emigration or transit to Europe with the tragedies of refugees arriving on European territory by boat and the repeated incidents related to attempts to cross the Spanish enclaves. Morocco seemed to be, until now, a transit place that was not very attractive for long stays, or even as a country of immigration.
In order to improve knowledge and understanding of the migration phenomenon, a recent survey was conducted by the HCP in 2021, the first of its kind conducted in Morocco, and concerned forced migrants, including migrants in an irregular administrative situation, regularized migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Morocco.
The results of this survey have confirmed that Morocco has become a host and destination country for different types of immigrants and is therefore not only a country of transit.
In fact, it appears from this survey that more than half (53.7%) of the migrants wish to stay in Morocco where they currently live and that only a quarter (25.8%) wish to re-emigrate elsewhere. The return to the country of origin interests only 11.8%, the migration project remains undetermined for 8.7% of migrants.
The results of the question on the degree of satisfaction with their presence in Morocco show that nearly nine out of ten migrants (88%) are satisfied with their arrival in Morocco.
This paper presents the migratory trajectories and itineraries and explains the reasons and conditions of settlement of migrants in Morocco as well as their level of satisfaction according to their migratory status.The data used in this work come from the survey on forced migration of 2021 with a sample of 3000 migrants divided into 2200 regularized or irregular migrants and 800 refugees conducted by the HCP.
Siham Zarrari: Statistician-Engineer Head of Division House hold Survey, High Commission for Planning s.zarrari@hcp.ma
Hayat Ben ayad: Statistician-Engineer Head of informal House hold Survey, High Commission for Planning h.benayad@hcp.ma
Absi Jawad: Statistician-Engineer, High Commission for Planning j.elabsi@hcp.ma