64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

Data Science and Statistics: Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America


64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

Format: IPS Abstract

Session: IPS 417 - Data Science and Statistics: Challenges and opportunities within the ISI

Monday 17 July 10 a.m. - noon (Canada/Eastern)


The field of statistical science amplifying data science plays a crucial role in various domains, ranging from economics and finance to healthcare and social sciences. However, the Latin American region faces unique challenges in advancing statistical science and harnessing its potential for evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation. This speaker analyzes such points from the perspective of his role as Chairperson of The Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) (2021-2022). The discussion aims to shed light on these challenges and explore potential strategies to overcome them. The talk will delve into the following key areas: Data Availability and Quality: Latin America's statistical landscape is characterized by heterogeneous data sources and varying data quality. We will explore the challenges associated with accessing reliable and representative data, addressing issues of data collection, validation, and harmonization across countries and sectors. Capacity Building and Education: Developing a skilled workforce is essential for the advancement of statistical science. We examine the existing educational infrastructure and training programs in Latin America, highlighting the gaps in statistical education and identifying strategies to enhance capacity-building initiatives. Communication and Policy Impact: Effective communication of statistical findings is crucial for policymakers and stakeholders to make informed decisions. We will address the challenges in communicating statistical information to non-technical audiences and explore strategies to bridge the gap between statisticians and decision-makers, thereby maximizing the impact of statistical science on policy formulation. By leveraging the expertise and experiences of participants of this IPS aims to stimulate collaborations, inspire innovation, and promote the advancement of statistical science and data science in Latin America, ultimately driving evidence-based decision-making.