64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

Review of the NEET (neither in employment nor in education or training) rate


64th ISI World Statistics Congress - Ottawa, Canada

Format: CPS Paper

Keywords: labour, market


Young persons not engaged in education, employment or training, expressed as the
acronym “NEET”, are being used increasingly as a measure of youth marginalisation
and disengagement. NEETs are of particular interest to policy-maker. It was included
as one of the indicators proposed to measure progress towards the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): Reduce the number of young people who are
“Not in Employment, Education or Training” (NEET). The proposed indicator
addresses youth inactivity and exclusion in a meaningful way,looks beyond the narrow
lens of unemployment.
However, The Neet rate is the tree that conceals the forest, due to the heterogeneity
within the NEET group. the acronym hides subcategories, which represent different
realities. We consider these four categories:
The Job seekers are the short- or long-term unemployed who are actively
looking for a job.

-The Unavailable are not actively looking for a job because they simply can’t,
due to their family duties or responsibilities,
-The Discouraged young This group is characterized by demotivation and
passivity in terms of job search.
-The NEET by choice, from wealthy families with a strong social background and
strong human capital.
-The NEET ith health problems or those who have disabling health problems.

From what precedes, we clearly see that there is a group who are unwilling to join the labour market. this category inflates the number of NEETS and misleads policy-makers as most of them can presumably be considered as facing difficulties in finding a job.

According to the Moroccan labour force survey ,In 2021, more than one in four young people aged 15 to 24 (26.0%, or 1.5 million) are not working, not in school and not in training. This rate is 38.8% for women against 13.6% for men. Women make up the majority among NEETs: 73.4% of NEET are women (i.e. 1.1 million),

Almost three-quarters of NEETs (73.0%, or 1.1 million) are in situations of inactivity other than studies or training, which means that they do not work
not, that they are not looking for work and that they are not about to start
Young NEET women are more exposed to economic inactivity than young NEET women.
NEET young men. The proportion of inactive women among women in a NEET situation
stands at 88.5%, compared to 30.1% for NEET men.

Moreover, inactive women aged 15 and over are asked if they would like to work if the opportunity arises, it appears that 90.6% among young inactive NEET women do not wish to work. The main reasons given are the education of the children and care work for
household (51.4%), lack of interest in work (22.4%), do not wish to work..

For this sub-group even if the opportunity arises to join the active
life, they will refuse because from their points of views , despite of not being

engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, they are responsible for raising children , they are engaged in one of the most important roles a woman can ever play. Being present in their children’s lives, caring for them, loving them, teaching them, and so much more.

with regard to this, the goal of reducing the Neet rate, especially for women aged 20 to 29, who are unwilling to participate in the labour market,over and above that gives more importance and priority to the education of children cannot be achieved,if it continues to be designed and conceived as it is.

This paper is a call to revise the NEET rate , to add other criteria to this concept such as the willingness and availability of young people to engage in training or in the labour market Therefore, to help focus the efforts of policy makers in persons who have relative strength
attachment to the labour market,who were available for work but not seeking work during the reference period,more particularly the discouraged, the pensioners and the infirm.labour Also, it is an attempt to propose another indicator not in employment, education training, nor in childcare,which is achievable, realistic, and reasonable .