65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

› Contributed Paper Sessions: How to submit

  1. Entering the System
    • Create a Conference Account if this is your first time: Create Conference Account. ISI and Association members (individual and institutional/corporate) must use the e-mail address registered in the ISI webshop in order to receive the reduced registration fee when WSC registration opens.
      Create your conference account
    • If you have an account from a previous WSC or ISI Event, please click on the yellow Login button: https://www.isi-next.org/accounts/login/ and enter your username and password.
      login button
  2. Submit your CPS Abstract or Poster 
    Once logged into the system, you can click on the button Submit CPS Abstract or Poster that can be found in the announcement or at the end of this page.
    Submit CPS Abstract / Poster
  3. Create a submission
    Once you are on this page, choose whether you are submitting an Abstract for a talk or a Poster.
    Create a submission
  4. Title & Brief Description
    Enter the Title and a Brief Description. The Brief Description only needs to be a short explanation/justification for the proposed talk or poster. Once complete, click on Next. You will see the Title and Brief Description on this next page and just below, you will need to choose or type in your keywords, then click on Save. If you do not wish to select any keywords, click on Skip.
    Select a keyword
  5. Abstract 
    Please type in or copy and paste your abstract here. Maximum: 500 words. Click on Save.
    CPS Abstract
  6. Figures and Tables
    Upload your images (.jpg or .png). Maximum: 6 images. Then click on Save. If you do not have any figures/tables to upload, click on Skip.
    Figures and tables
    Figures - tables - skip
  7. Files and Uploads  
    Upload your images (.pdf). Maximum: 2 files. Then click on Save. If you do not have any files to upload, click on Skip.
    Files & uploads
    Files & uploads
  8. Your Abstracts
    Once your submission is complete, you will automatically be redirected to ‘Your Abstracts’ overview. You can enter at any time to Edit your abstract/poster. 
    CPS Your abstracts
  9. Submit your Abstract/Poster
    When you are ready to submit, please click on the Submit button.
    You can check if your abstract/poster is submitted as the status will change from Draft to Submitted. The Submitted abstract/poster will be visible under Abstracts.
    CPS Submitted

To submit a CPS Abstract or Poster for 65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025 you must first login to your account.